Beauty loot in a BDJ Box


Imagine getting a box-full of beauty products every month, and everything in that box was chosen to suit your personal needs. You can get a facial cleanser that matches your skin type, a haircare system that your hair actually responds to, and a fragrance that just about suits your personality. Wouldn’t that be something?

Now, I understand how the market is just teeming with products, most of which claim to be “the best”. If only we can try them all, right? Well, now we actually can, and this is what BDJ Box is all about. Belle du Jour (BDJ) Box is a monthly beauty product discovery subscription service created to help women in their quest for the best beauty products. Each product is conveniently packaged in deluxe sample sizes, so you’ll be able to test them out and decide for yourself whether you love them or not. The ones you love, you can buy in its regular size to be able to continue using them, and the ones you don’t, well, at least you gave them a try. This allows you to test run products without having to invest in them, and will eventually help you discover the ones that work for you.

I recently got my own box and was surprised to see just how accurately BDJ Box fit my beauty needs. Inside the box were 5-6 products that ranged from skincare, haircare and fragrance. I love that these were all in trial sizes so I could actually test them out and not get stuck with a full-size product if it doesn’t work for me.


The box I got in the mail.


Inside were cute stickers with BDJ’s tagline.


All my beauty loot fit perfectly into this box.


And inside, a whole lot of skin and haircare products! The fragrance is a plus, too. I am always looking for new scents to buy.


Lots of beauty products for me to try!


Here comes the exciting part: the kind people at want to give away one (1) personalized box to a lucky reader of mine! If you want to win a box-full of beauty loot for yourself, here’s what you have to do:

1.) LIKE BDJ Box’s Facebook page:

2.) Answer the question: Why should you get your own BDJ Box? (So easy.) The best answer wins!!!

* Send your entries to

*** Contest will close on December 19 (Wednesday) at 12 noon.

This contest is only for readers with Philippine addresses.  Please include your full name, Twitter ID and contact number/s with your entry so Belle Du Jour Box can easily get in touch with you if you win.

Good luck!



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